Optimize Your NEMT Business With Real-Time Tracking

There comes a time in every NEMT provider’s career when they decide it’s time to make the switch to an automated trip management process. If you haven’t reached that point in your own journey yet, you might be wondering what drives someone to make the switch. Non-emergency medical transportation scheduling software offers endless benefits—from automated scheduling and routing to dispatching and billing, the product has something for everyone. When you invest in a system that offers these capabilities, you’ll see a whole new business unfold right before your eyes. Don’t believe us? Read on to learn more about how you can optimize your NEMT business with real-time tracking and management software. 

How Does NEMT Software Improve Your Business?

NEMT software exists to make your life easier. It may sound like a big investment, but it’s one that’s more than worthwhile as soon as it’s implemented at your business. Whether you’re struggling with inaccurate billing, inefficient scheduling, routing difficulties or dispatching mishandlings, NEMT software is sure to make running your business simpler and more profitable than ever before. Here’s how this is achieved:

On-Time Pick ups and Drop Offs

Being on-time for passenger pick ups and drop offs is a crucial part of running a successful NEMT business. Your passengers have appointments to get to, and if they’re late, they run the risk of having it cancelled or rescheduled. You don’t want to be responsible for this scenario, so it’s imperative that you get all clients to their drop off points on time, every time. Non-emergency medical transportation routing software efficiently maps out every route to ensure everything goes as planned. This way, your passengers can feel secure in knowing they’ll get to their destinations on time when they ride with your company. 

Develop Efficient Schedules 

As your business grows, you’ll start to complete more and more trips every day. These trips won’t get completed properly unless you’re using intelligent, automated scheduling tools. These tools, built to reduce your labor and boost your profits, increase your efficiency on every trip by searching for multiload opportunities before a trip is dispatched. If these opportunities are found, the software system makes sure every party can properly ride in the same vehicle, and schedules routes based on each passenger’s appointment time. This not only saves you time on the road, it also saves you on fuel and vehicle wear and tear. 

Track Every Vehicle in Real Time

Track every vehicle in real time

Dispatchers have difficult jobs. They’re responsible for making sure every passenger is assigned to the correct vehicle type and ensuring that trips are dispatched on time. However, just because trip details look good on paper, doesn’t mean they’ll work out once the trip is in motion. For this reason, dispatchers have the ability to adjust trips when they’re already in motion. If, for instance, the route a driver is on becomes congested with traffic, dispatchers can explore alternative routes and send their driver on a different path to avoid arriving late. Having real-time tracking capabilities allows dispatchers the ability to communicate with drivers, give updates, or receive information from drivers about the trip. Having a seamless method of communication is crucial when you’re trying to run a top-tier NEMT business. 

In-Depth Reporting 

If you want to improve your business, you need an efficient way to track your data—otherwise, you run the risk of playing the guessing game. Developing full-scale reports by hand is a tedious, time-consuming process, and you likely don’t have the manpower or the time to allocate to such a project. Luckily, when you invest in NEMT reporting software, you have access to dozens of report templates that you can automatically fill with your company’s unique data. How you want to view your data is all dependent on personal preference and what your business goals ultimately are, so software gives you various presentation options, lets you choose which information you want displayed, and allows you to customize other data points so you can have a report that compiles all your important data into one place. 

Easy-to-Use Passenger Apps

Your passengers may not drive themselves, but they appreciate having some control over the trip process. Many NEMT software platforms come with a built-in passenger app, so clients can schedule and track their rides directly from their smartphones. A passenger simply logs into their account, enters their trip details—when they need a ride, their pick-up location, their drop-off location, and what type of vehicle they require—and submits their request. Once the request is accepted, the passenger is notified. On the day of the trip, the passenger will get notified when their driver is en route, and then again when the driver has arrived. In the meantime, the passenger can track the driver’s location until they arrive at the pick-up point. 

Advanced Driver Apps

NEMT driver apps

Drivers want control, too, and having a built-in driver app gives them the power to make good trip decisions. When drivers log in to their account, they can get their day started with the click of a button. Drivers sign in and immediately see their day’s worth of trips. As soon as it’s time to start a trip, they tap on the trip, which sends a notification out to the passenger. Driver apps also make it easy for drivers to complete pre and post-trip checklists. These checklists ask drivers to note anything that’s wrong with the vehicle, what equipment is present in the vehicle, how many miles are on the vehicle, among other things. These checklists help keep you on top of any fleet issues that arise to ensure your fleet is as healthy as possible at all times. 

Automated Call Systems 

You want to do your best to prevent no shows every step of the way, so having software with an automated call system is a good idea. Automated calls go out a day in advance and once a driver is about to head out to remind the passenger of their upcoming trip. While there’s no way to entirely prevent no-shows, this is a surefire way to reduce the amount you see. 

Take Control of Your Business With an Automated Solution

You know how you can improve your business, so what’s stopping you? If you’re looking for an electronic Medicaid billing, NEMT, or homecare billing solution get in touch with the team at iSi Technology to schedule a free demo of one of our products!